Cookie Utilization Notice:
This Web site does not utilize cookies but does incorporate and link to product information, payment processing, and language translation sites that do require cookies for navigation, order processing, diplaying the proper currency, language preferences, help contact locality, etc.
Data Collected:
This Web site may be cached by various entities including on the users' device, or by Internet providers, and may collect information regarding the users' screen / display size, processing speed, Internet connection speed, IP address, operating system, etc., to properly display the Web page, and for geographic logs and statistics, which logs and statistics may be used to increase this Web site's speed and effectiveness (i.e. GDPR). The IP address, IRL, URL, and which information (i.e. graphics, Web page, etc.) is / are being downloaded by the user, may be recorded as a default by the hosting operating system and its facilities. In order to facilitate sales of products, it may be necessary to collect and to store certain nonpublic personal information as is necessary to process the various orders.
Persons must be of 13 years of age, or older, in order to use this Web site, or must obtain parental supervision and consent to divulge personal information and conduct purchases,